Ego vs. Love: Intentional, Every Day Action

Mckinley Withers
2 min readApr 12, 2023


Most of our actions are driven by one of two internal forces: ego or love. I find it extremely difficult to override my ego and act out of love. This article articulates the difference, ego vs. love, from my limited internal experience. The only way to differentiate your own internal motives is through practice, over time, every day. Intentional choices, guided from within, can lead each of us towards love. Live or die, red pill or blue pill. You choose.

Ego wants to prove itself as good
Love wants to be its best

Ego seeks validation
Love validates

Ego blames others for mistakes
Love has no need for blame

Ego blames itself for successes
Love has no need for blame

Ego hopes that others will heal them
Love hopes and heals

Ego lies to self and others
Love discovers, tells, and reveals truth

Ego fills in gaps with its own self-serving stories
Love creates a beautiful story

Ego wants to fix everything
Love wants to see things improve

Ego avoids risk and failure
Love risks and fails

Ego needs
Love meets needs

Ego needs attention
Love gives attention

Ego takes space
Love holds space

Ego takes
Love gives

Ego wants what is best for itself
Love wants what’s best

Ego relates every experience to itself
Love allows each experience to be its own

Ego is distracted
Love is present

Ego think everyone else should be more like them
Love sees each person’s unique strengths

Ego is fragile and fearful
Love is confident and brave

Ego is insecure
Love is self-assured

Ego is afraid
Love is safe

Ego withholds
Love acts

Ego distracts from pain
Love feels pain

Ego avoids questions
Love seeks understanding

Ego is the victim
Love takes ownership

Ego makes it about “you”
Love comes from me

Ego seeks control
Love seeks understanding

Ego complicates
Love simplifies

Ego strains and competes
Love is effortless

Ego needs support
Love supports

Ego avoids discomfort
Love is comfortable

Ego is reactionary
Love is intentional

Ego does it right
Love does it well

Ego hoards attention, time, and money
Love offers abundance

Ego depletes energy and needs to recharge
Love is infinitely generative

Ego works towards “better than”
Love works towards “my very best”

Ego expects others to be at their best
Love brings out the best in others

Ego wants reciprocation for effort
Love gives without expectation

You choose your intention, every day, with every action; ego or love?

Ego offers pain, separation, and distance
Love offers peace, connection, and purpose



Mckinley Withers
Mckinley Withers

Written by Mckinley Withers

My work is centered on supporting individuals in healing ourselves, our schools, and our communities through intentional, loving action...guided from within.

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